
Newsletter July 2018

COPES IN JULY Welcome to our new members, many of whom joined us in June after the Health and Wellbeing Day in late May. It’s great that you have joined us but we’re sorry that you need to! (if you see what we mean..). FABULOUS FOOTBALLERS! Our sincere thanks to James Bess and [...]

Ambulance Transfers

At our June Coffee Morning, we were delighted to welcome Elliot Smith from Ambulance Transfers, who told us about a great new scheme. In return for a joint project of the sharing of info across social media, his company have agreed to give COPES a donation. We are jointly spreading awareness of COPES and [...]

Newsletter June 2018

COPES IN JUNE We wish to pay tribute here to all those who support the work of COPES. The hospital staff and committee members, of course but also those who run the raffle, donate raffle prizes, go to businesses asking for raffle prizes, find new helpers to provide speakers, services and therapies. People like, [...]

Opening of the Tranquillity Room

TRANQUILLITY ROOM OPENED. COPES has been raising money for several years to fund the refurbishment of a room where patients can go to hear their diagnosis, the results of their treatments and their prognosis. In the past this was done in a mainly surgical or clinical setting. When we asked our members what sort [...]

More news on the Venezia Applicator

COPES SPONSORS GROUNDBREAKING NEW EQUIPMENT AT SOUTHEND HOSPITAL We were so happy to be invited to the installation of a magnificent new piece of equipment, the Venezia Applicator, in the Brachytherapy Suite. The whole project was joint-funded with other charities but COPES donated for the Venezia Applicator (below) This innovative device is only available [...]

Newsletter May 2018

COPES IN MAY MAY COFFEE MORNING Saturday May 5th in the Oncology Suite (First Floor). Ring 07711887410 for directions. Natalie will be there with skincare products and demo. What a wonderful evening we had at the Roslin Beach Hotel for our annual Dinner Dance. Thanks to everyone who attended and ….. A special thanks [...]

Newsletter April 2018

COPES IN APRIL TRANQUILLITY ROOM OPENING IS RESCHEDULED FOR FRIDAY APRIL 13th. at 2.00 p.m. If you’d like to come along, please contact Wendy D or Sue. Don’t forget ~ There’s a Dinner Danceevent coming up, …… if you haven’t got your tickets yet, we need to know if you’re coming by 07/04/18. Please [...]

Venezia Applicator

COPES…..Sponsorship in Action. Three COPES Committee Members were really pleased to be invited to a demonstration of a fantastic new piece of equipment that our sponsorship and fundraising has helped to purchase at the Southend Hospital. It’s called the Venezia Applicator and it’s used by the Brachytherapy Team, led by James Green. It will [...]

Newsletter March 2018

COPES IN MARCH “March comes in like a Lion and goes out like a Lamb” We certainly hope so! We’re sorry we had to cancel our coffee morning. COPES SPONSORS A WONDERFUL PIECE OF EQUIPMENT Our Fundraising has really made a difference to the hospital brachytherapy department this month. The fundraisers for the Brachytherapy [...]

Newsletter February 2018

CELEBRATING COPES IN FEBRUARY FEBRUARY COFFEE MORNING ~ 03/02/18 In the MacMillan Centre, Southend Hospital Tower Block. ALSO You’re Invited to the Opening Ceremony: Tranquillity Room and Treatment Suite Friday March 2nd. 2.00 pm. All COPES Members are welcome. RSVP Booking essential. Text/ Ring Sue or Wendy (numbers below) If you wish to attend [...]