Newsletter September 2018


Happy Returns

Thanks so much for the hospitality of the staff in the Oncology Clinic for letting us use the clinic for the last few months. However, we’re very pleased to be back in the Women’s Clinic at the Nightingale Centre, round the back of the hospital. Thanks to the staff for helping us to re-settle there. We enjoyed our September Coffee Morning back in the familiar setting. It’s much easier to get to, too!

Some Dates for your Diary

Saturday October 6th __ Coffee Morning 10.00 till 13.00

Saturday October 20th — Pottery Painting at Clay Cottage, Rayleigh 13.00 with Afternoon Tea. £8.50, to be paid in advance to Sue Soper. Friends & Family are welcome. Create your own bespoke masterpiece or heirloom!

April 2019 (Thurs evening date to be confirmed) Dinner Dance at the Roslin

Anyone able and willing to help?

We will be using the Fundraising Unit in the hospital main entrance area  in March for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and in September for Gynae Cancer Awareness Month, next year(2019). Can you help by manning an info stand for an hour or so? We don’t have a precise date yet but it will be a week day. We will also be running a Tombola so start saving those prizes!

Apologies for the late issue of this newsletter.
