Your Committee News
All the work done by the COPES Committee is done on a purely voluntary basis. We work closely with the hospital staff, Mr Razvi, Ms Kolomainen and the CNS team particularly, as well as the hospital management. Meetings are held 4 times yearly from 6-8 pm.
The planning sub-committee organises and manages things on a day to day basis. We are Wendy Barker (finance), Wendy Davies (chair), Stacey Green, Rosemary Petronis, Chris Roostan (vice-chair), Sue Soper (secretary) and Jackie Spackman. We keep in touch via email and text and three of us (Chris, Sue & WendyD) meet around once a month to plan events.
If you think you’d like to join the committee or feel able to make any suggestions for future events and activities, please feel free to get in touch, through Sue or Wendy D in the first instance.
Some Dates for your Diary
We hope you’ll join us for some of the following events……
September Coffee Morning Sept 1st (10 am -1.00pm) in the hospital, venue to be announced.
October Coffee Morning Oct 6th (10 am -1.00pm) in the hospital, venue to be announced. OCTOBER….Book your Places for the Pottery-Painting Workshop and Afternoon Tea on Saturday October 20th at Clay Cottage, Rayleigh, 1-3 pm
Many thanks to the social team at HSBC for their generous donation of £163 last month, who chose to fundraise for us.
After a wonderful, innovative publicity campaign, #LIFT, in social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & LinkedIn) we received a GREAT DONATION of £2,500 from Ambulance Transfers Ltd.
What a fabulous donation of £2500

Thank you so much to Elliot Smith, (Jackie’s ‘son-in-‘sort-of’-law) and the team for a superb campaign, bringing awareness across the social media.
Don’t forget to check us out on, or on Facebook groups…..COPES Essex Gynae Cancer Support, or on twitter @COPES19952078