
About wendy

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So far wendy has created 86 blog entries.

Newsletter May 2021

COPES May NEWS 2021 Happy Bank Holiday! We hope that you are enjoying the sunshine and the greenery after this long winter…..we hope that things are going well with you all. OUR NEXT ZOOM SESSION IS SATURDAY MAY 1ST FROM 10.00. THE MEETING CODE & PASSWORD are as usual. Email us for details [...]

Newsletter April 2021

COPES April NEWS 2021 Wishing you a Happy Easter….            APRIL ZOOM Saturday April 5th at 10.00 For info on codes and passwords please contact any member of the COPES admin committee. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  We would like to wish our long standing member, Margaret Van Kempen, all the very best. Margaret has been diagnosed with [...]

Newsletter March 2021

COPES March NEWS 2021 Hello again from us all at COPES. We hope you’ll drop in on our ZOOM Coffee Morning session on Saturday 6th March, from 10.00.Meeting Code is as usual. Contact us if you wish to have more info. Fun, chat, support and news……if we have any news, or just a [...]

Newsletter February 2021

COPES February NEWS 2021 We hope you’ll be able to join us for the Zoom Coffee Morning on Saturday 6th Feb at 10:00. ENTRY CODE FROM THE USUAL LINKS Our thanks to Paz Ellis and Beverly Wright, who have agreed to join our COPES committee as associate members until April, then as full [...]

Newsletter January 2021

COPES January NEWS 2021 WISHING ALL MEMBERS AND SUPPORTERS A VERY HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR. We’re all looking forward to the time when we can have our grand reunion Coffee Morning, with members, past and present. We can’t say when this will be, of course, but it will be well publicised and [...]

Newsletter December 2020

COPES December NEWS 2020 A Very Happy Christmas From Us All At COPES! It’s been a year like no other but we wish you happiness, health, a restful holiday…….a time of peace. Happy Christmas. If you’re missing our shopping trip at the Christmas Fayre, this year, why not look online at Donna’s lovely [...]

Newsletter October 2020

COPES October NEWS 2020 Hello! Happy October to you all. Another month with no face to face meetings, another month with new members to COPES. We sincerely wish all the new members who have been diagnosed since the COVID-19 virus outbreak, all the very best. We hope that your treatment goes well. Please [...]

Newsletter September 2020

COPES September NEWS 2020 Wishing our members, new and long-standing, a very happy autumn. We hope that you find fun, happiness, laughter and sunshine this month, even though we can’t see each other in our normal Coffee Mornings. Special wishes to those who are not feeling so good at the moment. Do stay [...]

Newsletter August 2020

COPES August NEWS 2020 Hello! We hope you’re getting along OK.  We send our love and a gentle hug to those of you who are not so well at the moment. All the very best Another month with no COPES get-togethers. The hospital isn’t a safe place for a social meeting yet. With [...]

Newsletter July 2020

COPES July NEWS 2020 We hope you’re all still doing OK. Our thoughts are with our members who are having a tough time of things at the moment. As you may well have guessed, we still have no idea when we’ll be able to resume our meetings and enjoy that promised great get-back-together [...]