Newsletter September 2020

COPES September NEWS 2020

Wishing our members, new and long-standing, a very happy autumn. We hope that you find fun, happiness, laughter and sunshine this month, even though we can’t see each other in our normal Coffee Mornings. Special wishes to those who are not feeling so good at the moment. Do stay in touch, by any of the ways at the bottom of the page. Let us know how you’re getting on.

A big thank you to the family of Chris Roostan, whose Mum sadly passed away in March. Chris’s Mum, who some of us remember as a lovely visitor to COPES events, decided that she wished donations to be made in her memory to COPES. Donations of £405 have been sent to COPES by her friends and family.

Another big thank you to the members of Cockethurst Townswomen’s Guild, who, after talking to Jan Slatford, decided to make COPES their charity of the year and sent us a fabulously generous cheque of £750. We hope that we can repay your generosity with a chat to TG members, when your meetings resume. This could highlight the work of COPES and our efforts to increase women’s awareness of the symptoms and early signs of Gynae Cancers. Early identification and treatment are factors in successful outcomes.


Via email:-,,

Via phone:- 01702 435555 extension 6464

Via Facebook:- COPES, @copescharitygynaeoncologyessex

Via Twitter:- @COPES19952078       or via our website
