Newsletter March 2019


It’s Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and we’re running an Awareness Raising Day in the Fundraising Unit in the main Hospital Foyer, from 9.00 to 16.00 on March 11th. Do drop in and see us. If any members can help by distributing leaflets, helping Pat with the Tombola or just chatting to members of the public who drop in to ask what we’re doing, it would be very much appreciated. Thank You.

Don’t Forget! Lunch at Food by John Lawson. 12.30, March 14th. 92, Leigh Road, Leigh. SS9 1BU

We have a tiny number of places still available, email Wendy if you wish to come along. Final numbers will be taken on Friday 8th March.

Jan’s Brave Shave.

Janet Slatford, embarking on her next round of chemo and beginning to lose her hair, decided to make a positive out of a negative and have a Brave-Shave in aid of COPES funds. She did this at the March Coffee Morning, ably assisted by Stacey, who was a hairdresser. We raised over £100 in sponsorship at the meeting, and Jan’s family and friends, who were there with her for her shave, had already raised over £200. Jan’s determined to carry on her fundraising with this. We love your sense of style, Jan, and of course, with you all the very best with your on-going treatment.

Dinner Dance.

Don’t forget to book your tickets with Sue (07768 619495) for this lovely occasion at special rates, at the Roslin Beach Hotel. April 25th, 6.30pm till late. Tickets £30 per person. 3 course meal, disco, superb raffle and a chance to relax and socialise with hospital staff and COPES members and friends in this beautiful venue.

THANK YOU to the family and friends for the very generous donation to COPES in memory of Helene. They called in to the Coffee Morning to say how much Helene had appreciated the support she got from all of us at COPES. We’ll miss her lovely smile.
