Newsletter August 2020

COPES August NEWS 2020

Hello! We hope you’re getting along OK.  We send our love and a gentle hug to those of you who are not so well at the moment. All the very best

Another month with no COPES get-togethers. The hospital isn’t a safe place for a social meeting yet. With a few of you who are vulnerable or who have relatives who are vulnerable, we have to take care. We await information on when it will be safe to meet face to face again. We’ll be keeping up with the newsletters and we’re available by email, Facebook (private group or public page and Messenger) or phone.

It’s getting increasingly difficult to find news for the newsletter. if you have any ideas of what would be of interest, do let us know. In the meantime, here are a few facts about COPES for our members, whether they be new or more experienced. We look forward to meeting new members.

COPES was set up in November 2005 by Mr Razvi, Emma Chaplin, then CNS for gynae cancers, with Mo Webster and Sue P, all working within the department. From the outset they involved patients and some very early members of COPES were Rosemary, who volunteered by taking tea and lovely cakes to women who were going to their appointments in the hospital. Denise, Sally and Margaret were also helpful early members, as was David, who volunteers and is a valued committee member. Sue joined at about that time too, joined by Chris and Wendy B. Pat joined soon after and is still a regular helper with the raffle and occasional tombola. Wendy D joined later, as did lots of ladies, now helping new members, many of whom still go to our Coffee Mornings and events. Early COPES events were, as now, focussed on supporting women who were going through diagnosis and treatment. There were some great fundraisers, organised by Emma, Rosemary and Denise, now organised by the committee. Complementary therapists volunteered and there have been many of them, as now, who add immeasurably to the COPES supportive experience.  Ex-members are still in touch and get our newsletters. COPES is a growing ‘family’ and when Emma left Southend Hospital to work on a more wide-ranging role in Basildon, we agreed that COPES was too good to let go. A few of us got together to keep things going. We work together and are still in touch with many ladies who have moved or left for family reasons.

We’re still going strong after nearly 15 years and look forward to our celebration reunion, when we finally get to meet new members, at our next Coffee Morning.  Here’s to COPES!

Find out more at
