Newsletter May 2020


There’s not been much going on in the COPESworld last month, but loads has been going on behind the scenes. Life as we know it has been put on hold by the COVID-19 virus and lockdown. However, we’ve been keeping in touch, sending out news, ringing each other up, FaceBooking,Twittering and sending several emails to keep in touch with the team at the hospital.

Sue, Chris and I have also been getting to grips with refunding money from the postponed John Lawson lunch and the Dinner Dance. Please let us know if we still owe you any money from either of these events. I say ‘getting to grips’ because for those of you who paid by bank transfer, it hasn’t been easy for us. None of us had used this facility on our charity bank account before and it’s not quite like a normal personal bank account…….it had us emailing each other back and forth about a hundred times. Thank you so much to those of you who were so very patient with this ‘Will it?/Won’t it? Story of bank transfers’

We hope that you and yours have been keeping as well as possible. It’s been such a worrying time for all of us on a personal level. We hope that you all safely get through this worrying time.

When we think of the pressure, stresses and disruption that we’ve been facing, then when we see the medical teams in hospitals have been working under since mid March we can’t imagine how they have all coped.

We would all like to say, I’m sure, how much we respect and applaud the work being done, without fuss or desire for thanks, by every member of staff at the Southend hospital. Undoubtedly this is true of at all hospitals within the UK.

When the virus has receded and we get back to ‘normal’, we will have a chance to thank them properly. We’ll reschedule the Dinner Dance and the John Lawson lunch and have a massive ‘Welcome Back’ Coffee Morning.
For now, though, I hope that we’re all joining in the Clap for Carers on Thursday evenings and that we will all be able to meet together before too long.

Stay safe, everyone
