COVID 19 Newsletter 3

COVID 19 Newsletter


We wish to thank Morrison’s for their wonderful support over the past year, with vouchers donated to COPES. With these vouchers we’ve been able to support raffle prizes and buy goods for hampers and raffle prizes. Thank you Morrison’s Supermarket, Eastwood.

However, now, the management at Morrison’s have decided to reallocate their funding, due to the many local needs resulting from the COVID-19 virus.
With the current numbers of requests for charities needing donations for food and other essentials, for vulnerable people, all the store’s community charity fund is going to that cause, until further notice.

We haven’t been able to pick up the last couple of month’s vouchers, for obvious reasons, and Morrison’s have donated these to the Southend Hospital Staff Charity Appeal that we have previously supported.
We were sure you would agree with this.

We currently hold some vouchers in reserve that we had been saving to buy raffle prizes and to make up hampers for future events……we have £90 worth in total. What do you think we should do with these?

Here are some suggestions:

  • Donate the vouchers (or part of them?) to the Hospital Staff appeal
  • Save some for our next event’s Raffle Prizes, whenever that may be.
  • Make up a hamper for next year’s Christmas Bazaar with some vouchers
  • Use some of the vouchers for refreshments for a ‘Welcome Back to COPES Coffee Morning’ party, whenever that is.
  • Hold on to them for Coffee Morning Raffle prizes

Let us know what you think……….

Meanwhile, stay safe, and keep looking after yourselves in the best ways you can, sunshine is a great tonic, remember, we’ll get through.

See you soon, whenever that is……….. Keep in touch!
