Newsletter June 2022

COPES June NEWS 2022

Come and join our Jubilee Celebration Coffee Morning/ Support Group.

Saturday June 4th from 10 until 1 pm

Ekco Sports and Social Club

Thornford Gardens, off Manners Way.

Southend SS2 6PU

Red/white/blue dress if possible  –  Lots of fun, lots of support!

Another fabulous Event is planned for June by member, Louise


Thornford Gardens, Southend. SS2 6PU

Doors open at 7.00 pm, Quiz Starts at 7.30 pm

£5 per person, teams of 6-8.

Bring your own nibbles, bar onsite.


All proceeds to COPES Gynae Oncology Support


    Thank you, Louise!


Don’t worry if you’d like to come along on your own. We have members coming alone, in pairs or groups. We can make up as many COPES member’s tables as possible. Tables of 6-8 people. Payment by cheque or bank transfer (details in email). For info contact or ring Louise for details.



We recently had our AGM. The hospital rules for charities are developing with the amalgamation of the three local hospitals. They are in the process of transferring funds held by them in the past to our COPES charity bank account and we are now taking on more responsibility for running our own fundraising. We are still working to support the MSE Hospitals Charity Fund. We work closely with staff from the Finance and Charity Fundraising Departments and of course with the CNS teams and Consultants team. We look forward to extending these links to Basildon and Broomfield Hospitals in the future, as our Committee develops. The COPES committee was re-appointed, in the absence of other volunteers. We discussed future planning and we are now looking for other members to join us on the committee. There may be times in the future when we (Wendy, Chris and Sue) are unable to give our time to the Exec Committee. This work is necessary for the smooth running of COPES support, our events and activities. We think it is very important that our activities continue, supported by a wider group of members. If you feel you could devote a little time (mainly online and at a time to suit you) do have a word with us. We know that the work that COPES does is appreciated and that we would all wish it to continue Thank you.

Wendy, Chris & Sue  (COPES Exec Committee)
