Newsletter April

COPES April NEWS 2024

Happy Easter!   

 Our Support Group and Coffee Morning is at the Southend Hospital Women’s Clinic this month, on Saturday April 6th drop in between 10am and 1pm.

If you haven’t yet paid for your tickets for the dinner dance, this will be the last opportunity to pay.

Thank you to all who have supported this event.

We also look forward to welcoming Hayley who is going to give us the opportunity to try a relaxing sacro-cranial massage.

Please sign up for this on the sheet next to the signing in sheet, near the entrance to the clinic. We are still awaiting our new pull-up banner with the COPES logo on, but just look for the little table and don’t forget to sign in.  

We look forward to seeing you there !    

Our support for all COPES members

We always aim to do what we can to support you, our members, whether in the virtual world or in person, whether you’ve been with COPES for a while, or are a new member.

Please tell us what you would like to see, in the way of support, and we’ll do our best to come up with some ideas.

We are so grateful to our CNS team who are always at the end of a phone on 01702 435555 extn 6464, for queries, and who support us in person at our Hospital Support Group coffee mornings. We also thank our volunteer complementary therapists, who offer reiki and various other therapies, free for all COPES members.These therapies are very relaxing.

We have organised various events in the past –  (Clay Cottage Pottery Painting, Afternoon Teas, Dinner Dances, Theatre Visits, Christmas Fayres, etc), so please let us know what sort of events, if any, you would like to see us organising for our members.
