Newsletter April 2021

COPES April NEWS 2021

Wishing you a Happy Easter….           

APRIL ZOOM Saturday April 5th at 10.00

For info on codes and passwords please contact any member of the COPES admin committee.


We would like to wish our long standing member, Margaret Van Kempen, all the very best. Margaret has been diagnosed with a new challenge. She has been a loyal and supportive member of COPES for as long as we can remember. She and her husband Charles, started the sponsorship of toiletries and treats for the staff on Eastwood Ward, when all the gynae operations were admitted there. Margaret is at home and is being looked after by Charles and the palliative care team.  We send her our very best wishes and our prayers. She says that if anyone wishes to phone her, she would love to hear from you. She may not answer immediately, but she promises she will phone you back.

Margaret loved the flowers, sent from us all, which were sent with our love.

Committee News

Our Fundraising Committee is getting ready for our email-meeting soon. If you wish to see agendas or minutes, just email me

Agendas are prepared by the sub-committee of Wendy Davies (Chair), Chris Roostan (Vice Chair) and Sue Soper (Secretary and Acting Treasurer). We welcome Paz Ellis and Bev Wright onto our Committee this April and always welcome new members.

In the absence of new members, Wendy, Chris and Sue are willing to stand again in their present roles. However we’re always looking to widen the base of people who volunteer to help to run COPES. If you feel you can help out in any way, with either the Fundraising Committee or the Sub Committee, do get in touch. The sort of things we could do with help with are: Keeping Registers of attendees at Coffee Mornings and occasional email/phone contacts with members; Raffle; Assisting Sue with addressing and posting newsletters for people who receive these by post; Setting up Excel for finance monitoring and help with Bank Account; Helping to organise events; Making and serving refreshments at Coffee Mornings (you need to be a registered hospital volunteer to do this because of H&S regulations but the hospital organises and pays for the training which is very interesting); Photography of COPES meetings and events; Secretarial experience and skills, Website experience.

If you feel you have any ideas that can help us, just get in touch.               Thank you
