COPES day in the Fundraising Unit
We held an enjoyable day in the fundraising unit, just off the main foyer area of the hospital in Southend.
The aims of the day were to coincide with Ovarian Cancer Awareness month during March, so we gave out hundreds of posters, cards, awareness ribbons, info sheets and the odd balloon or two. We also sold COPES pens, bags, key rings and badges.
We ran a Tombola stall to raise much needed funds for COPES projects. This was run with incredible enthusiasm by our member, Pat. She created a real sense of fun and contributed so much to the day. Many people donated, even if they did not want to buy a ticket. She was a real star!
Many thanks to Lynne, Gill, Sandra, Alexandra and Leighanne, who all came along to help to draw in members of the public, to give out leaflets and to sell tickets. They did a great job. The event was organised by Sue Soper (secretary) helped by Wendy Barker (treasurer) and Wendy Davies (chair).
We raised just over £130 in donations and sales. Well done to the COPES team!