Ambulance Transfers

At our June Coffee Morning, we were delighted to welcome Elliot Smith from Ambulance Transfers, who told us about a great new scheme.

In return for a joint project of the sharing of info across social media, his company have agreed to give COPES a donation. We are jointly spreading awareness of COPES and Ambulance Transfers. WIN/WIN!

Here is the Press Release:-

We are supporting #Essex and how it COPES with #Gynae #Cancer by raising awareness and vital funds alongside our donation partners, Ambulance Transfers.

Throughout June 2018, for every like or follow Ambulance Transfers receive on their social network pages, they will kindly donate to us, but if they reach their target of 1001 likes or follows, they will donate a massive £2500 to COPES!

Here’s the press release:

To support us in our fundraising mission, please visit their pages using these links – You can do all 4 and make a difference right now!

You can also help us raise awareness by clicking “Share” and using the hashtag #LIFT.

Thank You!
