Fabulous COPES Fundraising Dinner Dance.
Roslin Beach Hotel
We had a fabulous evening at the Roslin Beach Hotel for our annual dinner dance. The venue was stunning, as was the service. We were treated to a delicious meal and the DJ, Maurice, put a finishing touch to the evening’s revelry, with humour and some good music.
We were really impressed with the support that the Roslin Events team gave us, before the event and during the day and evening of the Dinner Dance.
Thanks, Amy and Rosanna.
We raised in the region of £830 towards COPES funds and had a great time. We hope to do it again next year! What do you think?
Thanks to Mo for getting so many great photos and also to Rosemary and Sandra for helping with the raffle.
The raffle raised a really good portion of the money and we would like to thank the following organisations for their generous donations to the raffle prizes and vouchers.
Ashingdon Co-op, Cafetiere Coffee (Rayleigh), Chemicrest (Hockley), David Prior, Emma’s Massage Therapy, Gill Ashton, Hawkwell Co-op, Hawkwell Pharmacy, Headlines Hairdressers (Rayleigh), Lynne Kingston, Matt Comber at Six Salon Services, The Big Yin (Hairdressers), Southend, also………
The Roslin DJ’s boss, who owns a club in Basildon, donated a fantastic prize of a night out at his club for 8 people.
A wonderful time was had by all…….