COPES October NEWS 2021
What a lovely time we had at the WELCOME BACK PARTY at the Holiday Inn, Rooftop Restaurant. Our sincere thanks go to the staff there for making it such a special occasion . Everyone loved the venue, the food & the welcome. Thank You!

It was great to be able to say a big thank you to Rosemary Petronis, a founder member of COPES, who used to support ladies in the clinic when they were going to their appointments. Many people have appreciated Rosemary’s friendly smile and wonderful cakes. Rosemary will be keeping in touch and will pop in from time to time when she can. A big thank you from all those ladies who you’ve helped, Rosemary!

This is at St Peter’s Church Hall, Eastbourne Grove, Westcliff. SS0 0QF. Parking there is very limited so it may be better to use public transport or park in the hospital car park and walk (about a10 min walk). We will be looking for another venue after this month as St Peter’s have other bookings.
We’re still looking for a hall to use for our regular coffee mornings FROM NOVEMBER 1st,. We need somewhere with good bus accessibility, easy parking, centrally located with catering facilities. Do you know of anywhere ? PLEASE LET US KNOW!
During the pandemic, new cases were diagnosed, treated and monitored. A huge thanks to the Gynae Oncology Team at the Hospital for all their hard work in such difficult circumstances and for keeping us in touch with new ladies to join our support group. Two of them were with us for the Welcome Back Party and they enjoyed the chat and putting faces to names. We have made contact with 12 new members during the pandemic. We really hope to meet more of you soon. New members sometimes like to bring a friend or relative to their first meeting. We make them all very welcome.