This month’s Coffee Morning/ Support Group is at
The Ekco Sports and Social Club
Thornford Gardens, Southend. SS2 6PU
SATURDAY MAY 6th 10 am till 1 pm.
It is unlikely that there will be any CNS support at this meeting.
It’s Coronation weekend…..
Please feel free to wear a touch of red, white and blue!
COPES has been supporting women with gynae cancers, for nearly 18 years.
During that time we have met many new friends, laughed a lot, cried a little, evolved in the way that all organisations evolve: bit by bit, organically.
However, we would like to be able to meet a wider range of member’s needs.
Our Exec committee were talking to the hospital staff at a recent committee meeting, about how to become even more relevant for all our members, whether younger or older.

Exec Committee: (l to r) Wendy, Sue & Chris
What could we do to support you more effectively?
Here’s what we have done in the last few years:
- Monthly coffee morning/support group
- Occasional events: theatre, pottery painting, afternoon tea, lunch,
- COPES Gala dinner dance
- Themed support days (Mindfulness, Wellbeing)
- Online chats via Messenger and Instagram
- Fundraising for enhanced equipment for the gynae oncology team
Some suggestions have been made:
- An additional ‘Younger Women’s’ COPES group
- Online events
- A themed event, for Example, ‘Menopause in Focus’
- Dinner Dance, Spring 2024
Please let us know by email if any of these ideas appeal to you or if you can suggest any other ideas. We can then start forming working parties to get things moving in new directions.