Newsletter May 2019


May Coffee Morning May 4th 10.00 – 13.00

We had a fabulous evening at the Roslin Beach Hotel for our Dinner Dance. Thank you so much to all COPES members who donated Raffle Prizes. Special thanks to David Prior, Rosemary Petronis, Maggie Cannon and Barrett & Coe for the Photoshoot voucher worth £160. It was a wonderful raffle and we raised £288 in the Raffle and £578 in total. It was a lovely evening. Jan presented COPES with donations of around £1500 for her BraveShave and we thanked her with flowers. It was great to see so many nurses and doctors there.

A special evening for celebrating some of what COPES does.

Don’t forget our Coffee Morning Dates for the future. We have some speakers planned and the Impressions Accessories sale in July and December.

June 1st; July 6th; August 3rd; September 7th; October 5th; November 2nd; December 7th.

A special plea……we desperately need extra members to help out with planning, attending meetings, setting up for coffee mornings and other events. Could you spare a few hours every month? We would love you to join the committee too. Why not come along on a trial basis and see if you like it?

Chris, Sue and Wendy all have major family concerns to deal with at the moment and it’s just a matter of chance that there’s usually at least one of us to carry on. We’d hate COPES to have to cut back on what it can provide for members but if there’s no-one left to do the organisation and planning, it will soon lose all the impetus we’ve all built up. Do have a word with us if you feel you can help in any way.

We have redesigned our AIMS poster, although not our aims, to explain more clearly what we do at COPES.

It will be attached to an email soon. 
