HDB Golf Society
A wonderful donation of £1,382.00 was made to the COPES members at our March 2023 Coffee Morning Support Group at the Ekco Club, Southend.
Our sincere thanks to Colin Goody, the outgoing Captain and Dee Gardner, who gave him the idea.
Dee has been a member and keen supporter of COPES for many years, through several treatments and therapies. Her friend, Colin, was appointed Captain of the HDB Golf Society in the north of Essex last year and chose COPES as his charity of the year.
Various matches and games were played throughout Essex during the year, all fundraisers for COPES.
Colin Came along to the March Coffee Morning to see COPES in action and to present the cheque of £1382.00 to the COPES Executive Committee, Wendy Davies, Chris Roostan and Sue Soper.

Colin said that he had been impressed by the way that COPES, as a small charity, puts all the fundraising to use in supporting women with gynaecological cancers, in a very practical and empathetic way. No funds are used on admin or salaries because all the organisers are volunteers, all have been diagnosed with gynaecological cancers at one time or another.