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We haven’t got a poster for the Walk4Wards yet but this will be uploaded closer to the time, this event takes place 18th September this space.

Newsletter Apr 2016

April Coffee Morning Sat April 2nd in The Women’s Clinic, 10:00 to 13:00. Drop in any time. For women diagnosed with gynaecological cancers. We welcome all new members.  Free tea, coffee, cakes and biscuits  Chat with women who have been through a similar diagnosis to yours and who share your concerns  Informal [...]

Newsletter Mar 2016

Our COPES website is about to go live and in order to optimise the access to this, we would ask you all, if you and your friends and family have the internet, to have a look for COPES Gynaecological support, Southend. In doing this, it reinforces the position of the site on the internet search [...]

Newsletter Feb 2016

Welcome to our newer COPES members. It’s always good to make new friends and supporters. Some of us have been coming along to COPES for ten years, some have only been once. You’re all very welcome! Download newsletter

Newsletter Jan 2016

A New Year, a new start for many of us. Some of us are getting ready for treatment, some are keeping fingers crossed for good results from check-ups and tests. All of us wish for and appreciate good health more than ever. Download newsletter

COPEing with cancer

Michelle Smith and Marion Bridge from C2C nominated COPES in the National Express staff survey, so securing a £445 donation from the C2C charity panel. Michelle and Marion are pictured here handing over the welcome gift to Emma Azeem, Macmillan gynaecology oncology clinical nurse speciallist. Article supplied by Southend Hospital newsletter winter 2015

New DySIS technology at Southend Hospital helps to prevent cervical cancer

Women across south east Essex are for the first time benefitting from medical technology which is preventing cervical cancer. The technology is also helping to avoid invasive treatment which can hamper a woman's ability to have children. Please click on the below link to the Southend Hospital website regarding the Dysis technology. New DySIS technology